+32 (0)56 89 09 99


Cookie & privacy policy

Tube, located at Rekkemsestraat 13, 8510 Marke is convinced that the protection of your privacy is very important. We do anything we can to process your data as fair as possible and in a legal way. While we process your data we do everything according to the Belgian legislation but also according the 'Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming', another Belgian law.


Personal information that gets processed

Tube can process your personal information because you use services from Tube, and/or because u provided them by filling in a contact/ordering form on Tubes website. Alulox can process following personal information:

- Your first and last name
- Your address
- Your phone number
- Your email
- Your IP-address
- Your company


Why Tube needs your information

Tube processes your personal information to contact you by phone whenever your request it, and/or to approach you in a written way (by email and/or by post) when you can't be contacted by phone. Furthermore, Tube can use your personal information in the context of executing an agreement of an assignment with you, consisting of a legal service.


How long does Tube keep your data

Tube saves your personal information no longer than needed to accomplish its goals, for which your data is being collected. Your information isn't kept longer than a year when there isn't any agreement with you.


Sharing with others

Tube gives your personal information solely to third parties when needed for exercising the agreement with u, or to comply to the legal obligations.


Mapping the website traffic

On Tubes website general visitor information is kept, of which your computer's IP-address and the time of request and data you browser includes. This data is used for analyses of visit and clicking behaviour on the website. Tube uses this information to improve de websites functioning. This data is anonymised as much as possible and are not provided to third parties.


Google Analytics

Tube uses Google Analytics to track how users use the website and how effective the Adwords-ads of Tube on Googles search result pages are.
The gathered information is, including your computer's IP-address, transferred to and saved by Google on the servers of the United States. Read the privacy policy of Google for more information. U can also find the privacy policy of Google Analytics there.
Google uses this information to keep track of how our website is used, to procide reports about the website from Tube and to offer information about the effectiveness of its campaigns to its advertisers.
Google can give this information to third parties if Google is legally obligated, or if this these third parties work in name of Google. Tube does not have any influence on this. Tube hasn't given Google the permission to use Analytics-information gathered via Tube for other Google services.


Accessing, adjusting or removing the data

You have the right to access your personal information, to adjust it or to remove it. You can send a request for insight, adjustment or removal to info@tubemeubelen.be
Tube will respond as soon as possible to your request, but within 4 weeks.



Tube takes the protection of your data very seriously and takes measures suitable to abuse, loss, unauthorized acces, unwanted publication and unauthorized adjustments of data. Tubes website uses a reliable SSL Certificate to ensure your personal information doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
If you have the feeling that your information aren't secured enough or if you have a lead of abuse, or when you would like more information of the gathered personal information by Tube, contact Tube through info@tubemeubelen.be
tubemeubelen.be is the website of Tube.

Tube is reachable via:

Address: Rekkemsestraat 13, 8510 Marke
Company number: 0754.625.455
Phone number: 056 89 09 99
Email: info@tubemeubelen.be



The website uses functional, analytic and tracking cookies. A cookie is a small textfile that is saved in the browser of your computer, tablet or samrtphone during your first visit. Tube uses cookies with a pure technical functionality. These make sure the website functions properly and that, for example, your preference settings are remembered. These cookies are also used for proper functioning of the website and to optimize it. In addition we place cookies that keep track of your surfing behaviour in order to offer ads and content made specifically for you. During your first visit to the website we already informed you about these cookies and asked for your permission to plant them in your browser. You can reject cookies by asking your internetbrowser not to save them. Furthermore you can erase all previous saved cookies in the settigns of your browser.

On the website there are also cookies for third parties. These are analytic and tracking tools.

Your acces to, visit or use of the website and these Terms of use are controlled by the Belgian legislation. In case of conflict, only Courts of Kortrijk are qualified.

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